• Image Gallery
  • Brand & Logo Guidelines Brand Guidelines
  • {{ category.text }}

Logo Type


RRQ logo is the most recognized asset to represent our brand.

Primary logo
One-color logo

Primary Color

HEX #F3AA36 RGB 243, 170, 54 CMYK 0.00, 0.30, 0.78, 0.05 PMS 143 C

Secondary Color

HEX #363636 RGB 54, 54, 54 CMYK 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.79 PMS 187 C


HEX #FFFFFF RGB 255, 255, 255 CMYK 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 PMS -

Clear Space

Clear space ensures legibility and visual impact by isolating the logo from competing visual elements. Determine the minimum clear space around the logo by measuring one third of the logo's height on right and left side, and one half of the logo's height ont the up and down side.


RRQ logo is the most recognized asset to represent our brand.

Use the correct color
Don't change the color
and apply any effect
Don't rotate logo

Overlay image with dark color to enhance clarity.
Do not apply shadow
Do not apply stroke

Usage Example On Solid Color

Use contrast colors to clearly display the logo.

Font Type


Font - Bitsumishi